Mechanism of action

Banner of a healthcare professional in a lab coat wearing a stethoscope Banner of a healthcare professional in a lab coat wearing a stethoscope

Person depicted is not an actual HCP.

TURALIO acts as a CSF-1 regulator to target the tumor and interrupt cell signaling responsible for tumor growth and inflammation1,2

Pexidartinib is a small-molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitor that targets colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor (CSF-1R), KIT proto-oncogene receptor
tyrosine kinase (KIT), and FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3) harboring an internal tandem duplication (ITD) mutation

Overexpression of the CSF-1R ligand promotes cell proliferation and accumulation in the synovium

Graphic of the TURALIO MOA showing how pexidartinib impacts cells Graphic of the TURALIO MOA showing how pexidartinib impacts cells

Checkmark iconTURALIO is the first FDA-approved targeted therapy for adults with symptomatic TGCT associated with severe morbidity or functional limitations and not amenable to improvement with surgery1,3

Learn about the dosage regimen for TURALIO

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References: 1. TURALIO [package insert]. Basking Ridge, NJ: Daiichi Sankyo, Inc; 2025. 2. Tap WD et al. N Engl J Med. 2015;373(5):428-37. 3. FDA approves pexidartinib for tenosynovial giant cell tumor. U.S. Food & Drug Administration; August 8, 2019. Accessed January 3, 2025.